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Friday Dance PartyGroup ClassesSpecial Events & Dates

The Friday Night Dance Party

“The Best Place to Dance”

The Manhattan Ballroom Society offers something for everyone, especially on Friday nights!  Join us for the Brush-Up Class at 7:30, then stay for the Social Dance from 8:30-11:00 P.M.  Admission is $30, which includes the lesson, the dance, and coffee/tea/refreshments.

Restarting soon!
Check back for updates

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Welcome to Manhattan Ballroom Society

Special message about schedule changes:

Dear Friends-- 

We hope this letter finds you well.  Just wanted to let you know we plan to restart our full schedule of group lessons/dances soon!

We are currently offering private instruction in the Upper West Side & Upper East Side, and hope to be expanding our offerings shortly.  As soon as we have more definite plans about the restart, we'll update our website and send out an email notification.  If you're not on our email list yet, please join so we can keep you in the loop. 

We hope to be dancing together again with joy and abandon soon.  Keep smiling!  
Life is beautiful and just so precious, and we all truly have so much to be thankful for.

Be well and please take care--


Stephen Dane
Executive Director
Manhattan Ballroom Society


Whether you've always wanted to learn to ballroom dance or just want to polish your style and learn some new steps, The Manhattan Ballroom Society is the place to dance. We are committed to furthering the art of American Social Dance and to sharing its pleasure with others. We offer top-quality instruction in a relaxed atmosphere for every level of dancer. Our group consistently attracts a congenial crowd; we welcome couples or singles. And it's all very reasonably priced. One eight-week course is only $188. Register for a second class this term for $130 more; just $99 for the third!

Manhattan Ballroom meets four nights a week for your dancing enjoyment. You can register for a course, or just drop in for our special Brush-Up Classes every Friday night at 7:30. Fridays at 8:30 we play a nice mix of Ballroom, Latin, Swing, Salsa, Hustle and Tango music specially selected for the discerning dancer. Come and practice your terpsichorean skills on our spacious dance floor! With our accessible locations, large ballrooms, elegant music, warm and pleasant dancers, top-quality instruction, and very reasonable price, why dance anywhere else?

--Stephen Dane, Executive Director






Phone & Text: 917-734-4778      Email:






Manhattan Ballroom Offers
  • Ballroom Dance Classes
  • Salsa Classes
  • Latin Dance Classes
  • Tango Classes
  • Swing Classes
  • Wedding First Dance Lessons
  • Hustle Classes
  • Private Dance Instruction
  • One of the best places to dance in Manhattan, New York City
  • Ballroom Classes in the Upper East Side, Midtown, and West Side of Manhattan
  • Ballroom Dancing in Manhattan, New York City
  • Dance Instruction, Instructors, Dance Studios in Manhattan, New York City
  • Ballroom, Latin, Hustle, Salsa, Tango and Swing Lessons in Manhattan, New York City

